This leads  into an area that some may cringe at . . . buying Beatles records and memorabilia as an investment! Let’s face it, when we first heard and came
to love this “little band from Liverpool”, we bought and PLAYED those records, OPENED the toys, games and other novelty items and USED them.

    They were cheap, under a dollar or maybe slightly more, and we derived pleasure from listening to the music, wearing our Beatles pins, sweatshirts, wigs [!]
etc. NOW, we wish we had them back in better condition and probably have the means to acquire them since our incomes have increased dramatically from
those paperboy, check out girl, or bus person dollars we earned at our first jobs.

    Unfortunately, those replacements come with a much higher price tag! A growing number of individuals have begun stocking up on Fab goods and from
the looks of recent prices realized, they figure these collectibles are going nowhere but UP in the future!

    Beatles collectibles have joined the realms of comic books, sports cards, dolls, toys and many other items that have exhibited proven staying power over
the years. These goods have become as solid an investment as the others, and have joined the ranks of decades old collectibles such as coins, works of art
and antiques.

    The important thing to remember is knowledge is power. Do NOT fall prey to the “other people have invested here” or “I really liked The Beatles in the ‘60’s
so why not invest now?” mentality. Arm yourself with information as to what the hottest movers are, how much have prices in this area increased, and what
potential will this item or that have in the long term?

    Be sure of one thing though, Beatles collectibles have been shown to withstand the dreaded “Fad collecting” like Cabbage patch dolls or Beanie Babies!
Those items had a short-lived collectible status and when everyone decided to sell their items, they were sadly disappointed to see that the potential just
wasn’t there. The was no “long term” market to look back on and track a trend in prices. Within a few years they climbed, peaked and crashed hard.

    Collect what you enjoy, don’t follow the crowd. If you don’t care for sports, don’t start collecting sports cards or memorabilia. On the other hand, if you love
the music made by this band and find collecting their records and memorabilia not only fun, but very satisfying and exciting, remember the old saying:  

“If you enjoy what you do for a living, you’ll never work a day in your life”.

The same holds true for collecting what you truly love.

Beatles price guide Beatles values Beatles prices
McLenson & Kaye
Beatles Price Guide