After examining the jacket itself, take a close look at the vinyl LP inside. While you will almost always find a genuine album paired with an authentic jacket, it is wise to double check! When determining if you have a bootleg Beatles’ Christmas album or an authentic one, take note to the following details:

The easiest way to tell, without having a genuine copy beside you to compare color variations, is examine the raised ring on the label of the record as noted in orange circle. Genuine copies have a small ring, approximately one-inch in diameter, circling the play hole. Fakes have a much larger, nearly 2.5 inch ring here. The background of the fakes is considerably ‘muddier’, appearing almost purple-like or brown. Genuine copies have a dark green bkg. The type is somewhat thinner on genuine copies while bootlegs have a 'fatter', blob-type. The green of the apple itself has detail loss on the fakes as well. The stem is the other area that loses detail on the bootlegs. There is noticeable detail on the stem of authentic copies of this release, both A and B sides. Both genuine & fakes copies have the words ‘Bell Sound’ present. There are also hand etched numbers and markings on both, plus a symbol of the Winchester VA pressing plant - a small triangle with a line attached. [a crude Winchester rifle?]. For these reasons we do not recommend using these markings to verify your copy.

Apple SBC 100 Labels Counterfeit
McLenson & Kaye
Beatles Price Guide